AUTH / Formula Student
ART Business Plan
Scan the future, discover opportunities,
invest in performance

Mission and Approach
The Aristotle Racing Team was created in the summer of 2006 by the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Polytechnic School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with the aim of representing the University in the international Formula SAE Series races. We were asked to design the team’s business plan, for its participation in the FSA competition in the Netherlands, with the aim of presenting and highlighting the equipment, know-how and quality features that make ART innovative in its industry.
We focused on the particular characteristics of the team and the dynamics of Student Formula, in order to create a visual environment, that properly utilises the amount and complexity of information, in relation to the aesthetic, dynamics and professionalism that we needed to highlight.
In order to establish sufficient hierarchy of information (technical characteristics, infrastructure, organisational model, social responsibility, financial data, etc.) we created a typographic and colour management system, based on ART corporate colours (black, yellow) and used a metal Pantone as a cohesive – structural element of the information, while the different sections are highlighted through typographic forms, with indirect reference to the line and form of ART’s car itself and the individual elements of the Student Formula.
The print business plan manages to present the team, highlight its distinguishing features, as well as tο establish ART as a competitive member of the international community in the field of Student Formula and an innovative partaker of its industry.