Quant Master Service
Brand strategy and identity system
Projecting integrity, transparency, efficiency in multiple formats

Mission and approach
With clients in Greece and Europe, mostly banks and businesses in the finance sector, Qualco gained experience in the business and decided to enter the world of servicing in the Greek market to capitalise on its expertise; while using as a competitive advantage, its technology. At the servicing arm of Qualco Group of companies, Quants’ scope is to create value for its shareholders in a fair and responsible way that safeguards the rights of key stakeholders like clients, borrowers, regulators and their employees. We were commissioned to create an identity to distinguish the brand from the competition, to convey the passion and agility of the people, while strengths, principles and achievements would be underlined in a clear positioning.
Through the design process we have created solutions that incorporate Quant’s strong legacy, while highlighting its steady path to the future. We proceeded to develop a new, unified and expandable visual identity, using the language of finance companies as a trigger for the development of a new visual language, with clarity, consistency and objectivity in mind.
The identity we developed includes logo, typography, colours and iconography. The design elements that compose the new identity of Quant, share a single visual sequence, ensuring a coherent but also dynamic expression of the company’s values, throughout a wide range of applications.