Semiotik Design Agency –SDA– creates the elements for long lasting performance
What we do
Brand strategy
Brand communication
Brand development
Naming systems
Identity systems
Visual strategy
Editorial design
Product design
Packaging design
UX and UI design
App design
Interactive design
Motion graphics
Social media design systems
Signage systems
Environmental and
Retail design
Exhibition branding
Process and values
Our work relies on simplicity, functionality and effectiveness strongly associated with emotional responsiveness. Our design methodology is research–based and aligned with the objectives of each project. This forms the foundation for being truthful to the content, informing our design process with a deep understanding regarding every aspect of the project we undertake. Our role is to research and document, derive and generate knowledge, evaluate, challenge, and utilize every opportunity in constantly changing and demanding environments to deliver impactful and time-resistant solutions.
We have been fortunate to work with many multinational brands, on a wide range of brand development projects, performing in complex environments and achieving remarkable results. We are happy to work with individuals, small businesses or startups to transform new ideas into meaningful propositions.
Our story
Semiotik was founded in 2014 by Dimitris Koliadimas, who was previously co–founder and creative director of Designers United. Since 2005, Dimitris and his team have collaborated with exceptional individuals, great organizations, start-ups and multinational brands around the world, providing a wide range of design and consulting services, performing in complex environments and achieving remarkable results. Our work has been awarded numerous national and international distinctions, including D&AD, European Design Awards (ED), Red Dot Design Awards, Dieline, Pentawards, Type Directors Club (TDC) and Art Directors Club (ADCE Awards).
2024 International Typographic AwardsCertificate of Excellence PackagingVOI
2023 European Design AwardsBronze Printed Identity ApplicationsDoppler
2023 Greek Communication Design Awards2023 Agency of the YearSemiotik Design
2023 Greek Communication Design Awards1st Prize Corporate IdentityQualco Foundation
2023 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Logotype Cultural InstitutionMGA Museum
2023 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit PackagingDoppler
2023 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Corporate Identity Doppler
2023 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit LogotypeDoppler
2023 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Corporate BrochureDoppler
2023 Greek Communication Design Awards1st Prize Calendar Kontorousis Graphic Arts
2022 Greek Communication Design Awards1st Prize WineVOI
2022 Greek Communication Design Awards1st Prize Brand IdentityHAK STUDIOS
2022 Greek Communication Design Awards1st Prize Corporate BrochureCoType Foundry
2022 Greek Communication Design Awards1st Prize Exhibition CatalogMOMus Museums
2022 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Book CoverMOMus Museums
2022 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Space Graphics/SignageMOMus Museums
2021 Art Directors Club of Europe (ADCE)Bronze Award Editorial DesignFuture Format
2021 Ermis AwardsSilver Award Corporate Identity Future Format
2021 Red Dot Design AwardBrands & Communication Design, LogotypeFuture Format
2021 Red Dot Design AwardBest of the best TypographyFuture Format
2021 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Corporate PublishingAeonik Specimen Book
2021 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Corporate BrochureFuture Format
2021 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Beauty & CosmeticsDust+Cream
2021 The Dieline Awards1st Prize Beauty & Cosmetics Dust + Cream
2021 Type Directors Club (TDC)Certificate of Typographic Excellence LogotypeFuture Format
2021 Type Directors Club (TDC)Certificate of Typographic Excellence brand identityFuture Format
2020 Greek Communication Design Awards1st prize SignageCORE by Domes of Elounda
2020 Greek Communication Design Awards1st prize MenuEkies, all senses resort
2020 Greek Communication Design Awards1st prize Invitation/Flyer/Wishing CardElectra
2020 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit LogotypeFuture Format
2020 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Corporate IdentityFuture Format
2020 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit LogotypeCORE by Domes of Elounda
2020 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Corporate BrochureEkies, all senses resort
2020 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Self Initiated ProjectSemiotik
2020 Ermis AwardsBronze Corporate BrochureAristotle Racing Team
2019 The Dieline AwardsBronze Award Tea & Coffee categoryTerra Incognita
2019 Art Directors Club of Europe (ADCE)Nomination Brand IdentityEkies, all senses resort
2019 Greek Communication Design Awards1st prize Corporate IdentityEkies, all senses resort
2019 Greek Communication Design Awards1st prize MenuEkies, all senses resort
2019 Greek Communication Design Awards1st prize CalendarKlimamichaniki
2019 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit BookAristotle Racing Team
2019 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit CalendarOcean Energy
2019 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Self PresentationSemiotik
2019 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Unpublished WorkPhi
2018 Greek Communication Design Awards1st prize Invitation/FlyerFrom the shadows of the Moulin Rouge into the light of Pireos Avenue
2018 Greek Communication Design Awards1st prize Alcoholic Beverage PackagingAtma Island Wine
2018 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Corporate IdentityMakt
2018 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Cultural Events ProgramFolklore and Ethnological Museum of Macedonia Thrace
2018 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit General CategoryInterpon Swatch Book
2018 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit LogotypeCERDAM
2017 NY International Olive Oil CompetitionSilver AwardNeolea Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2017 Ermis AwardsBronze Miscellaneous DesignORC European Championship 2016
2017 Ermis AwardsShortlist Visual Communication DesignVolvo Cars A New Beginning
2017 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Corporate IdentityDr. Thanasis Papas
2017 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Invitation/FlyerLocal
2016 European Design AwardsBronze Miscellaneous PrintedVolvo Excellence Award
2016 European Design AwardsBronze PackagingDomissima
2016 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Self-Promotion WebsiteSemiotik Design Agency
2014 Greek Communication Design Awards1st Prize LogotypePrivate Art Events
2013 NY International Olive Oil CompetitionMost Innovative Design AwardFive Olive Oil
2013 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Invitation/FlyerGreek State Museum of Contemporary Art
2013 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit BrochureHellenic Society of Emergency Prehospital Care
2013 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Corporate Identity Reflect Lights
2012 PentawardsGold Award Luxury, Gourmet FoodFive Olive Oil
2012 Red Dot Design AwardsAward Packaging DesignFive Olive Oil
2012 Red Dot Design AwardsAward Magazines and Daily Press +DESIGN
2012 Red Dot Design AwardsAward Editorial and Corporate PublishingDesigners United Work & Extensions
2012 Dieline Packaging Awards1st place Winner Packaging Food & BeverageFive Olive Oil
2012 European Design AwardsSilver Award Packaging Food & BeverageFive Olive Oil
2012 European Design AwardsBronze Artistic CatalogueBerliner Zimmer
2012 D&AD AwardsIn Book Award Graphic Design Designers United Work & Extensions Catalogue
2012 Greek Communication Design Awards1st prize Self Published WorkDesigners United Work & Extensions
2012 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Artistic CatalogueBerliner Zimmer
2011 Greek Communication Design AwardsGold Prize Graphic Design KYANOEuromedica
2011 Greek Communication Design Awards1st prize | Graphic design KYANOEuromedica
2011 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Corporate IdentityQualco
2010 European Design AwardsBronze FlyerFenafresh
2010 Greek Communication Design Awards1st Prize LogotypeMondays at the Foyer Thessaloniki Concert Hall Organisation
2010 Greek Communication Design Awards1st Prize Cultural Event ProgramMondays at the Foyer Thessaloniki Concert Hall Organisation
2010 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Invitation/FlyerGreek State Museum of Contemporary Art
2010 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Self PromotionDesigners United
2010 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Self Promotional WebsiteDesigners United
2009 European Design AwardsBronze PackagingPapasotiriou Bookstores
2009 European Design AwardsBronze IllustrationYMCA Camps
2008 European Design AwardsSilver Corporate Visual Identity Application1st Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art
2007 European Design AwardsBronze Magazine DesignSOUL 2310
2007 Greek Communication Design AwardsGrand EBGEAgency of the Year
2007 Greek Communication Design Awards1st Prize BrochurePress Kit Cannes
2007 Greek Communication Design Awards1st Prize Projects for Clients AbroadAthens Final Four Euroleague
2007 Greek Communication Design Awards1st Prize Unpublished ProjectAthens Festival 2006
2007 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Magazine DesignProvlita
2007 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit PosterFest of the Century
2007 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Multiple Applications47th International Film Festival of Thessaloniki
2006 Greek Design Awards1st Prize Invitation/Flyer/Wishing CardPixels Fenafresh
2006 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Restaurant MenuChimio Menu
2006 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Magazine DesignUrbi
2006 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Corporate Websites and MultimediaThessaloniki Center of Contemporary Art
2006 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit Artistic Catalogue64 Pages for Odysseus
2006 Greek Communication Design Awards1st Prize Corporate Websites and MultimediaVideo Dance 2005
2005 Greek Communication Design Awards1st Prize Logotype Anti Breast Cancer
2005 Greek Communication Design Awards1st Prize Multiple ApplicationsFenafresh
2005 Greek Communication Design Awards1st Prize Restaurant MenuChimio Menu
2005 Greek Communication Design Awards1st Prize Magazine DesignCool
2005 Greek Communication Design AwardsMerit LogotypeChimio Juice Bar
2024 International Typographic Awards Certificate of Excellence Packaging VOI
2023 European Design Awards Bronze Printed Identity Applications Doppler
2023 Greek Communication Design Awards 2023 Agency of the Year Semiotik Design
2023 Greek Communication Design Awards 1st Prize Corporate Identity Qualco Foundation
2023 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Logotype Cultural Institution MGA Museum
2023 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Packaging Doppler
2023 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Corporate Identity Doppler
2023 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Logotype Doppler
2023 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Corporate Brochure Doppler
2023 Greek Communication Design Awards 1st Prize Calendar Kontorousis Graphic Arts
2022 Greek Communication Design Awards 1st Prize Wine VOI
2022 Greek Communication Design Awards 1st Prize Brand Identity HAK STUDIOS
2022 Greek Communication Design Awards 1st Prize Corporate Brochure CoType Foundry
2022 Greek Communication Design Awards 1st Prize Exhibition Catalog MOMus Museums
2022 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Book Cover MOMus Museums
2022 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Space Graphics/Signage MOMus Museums
2021 Art Directors Club of Europe (ADCE) Bronze Award Editorial Design Future Format
2021 Ermis Awards Silver Award Corporate Identity Future Format
2021 Red Dot Design Award Brands & Communication Design, Logotype Future Format
2021 Red Dot Design Award Best of the best Typography Future Format
2021 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Corporate Publishing Aeonik Specimen Book
2021 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Corporate Brochure Future Format
2021 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Beauty & Cosmetics Dust+Cream
2021 The Dieline Awards 1st Prize Beauty & Cosmetics Dust + Cream
2021 Type Directors Club (TDC) Certificate of Typographic Excellence Logotype Future Format
2021 Type Directors Club (TDC) Certificate of Typographic Excellence brand identity Future Format
2020 Greek Communication Design Awards 1st prize Signage CORE by Domes of Elounda
2020 Greek Communication Design Awards 1st prize Menu Ekies, all senses resort
2020 Greek Communication Design Awards 1st prize Invitation/Flyer/Wishing Card Electra
2020 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Logotype Future Format
2020 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Corporate Identity Future Format
2020 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Logotype CORE by Domes of Elounda
2020 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Corporate Brochure Ekies, all senses resort
2020 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Self Initiated Project Semiotik
2020 Ermis Awards Bronze Corporate Brochure Aristotle Racing Team
2019 The Dieline Awards Bronze Award Tea & Coffee category Terra Incognita
2019 Art Directors Club of Europe (ADCE) Nomination Brand Identity Ekies, all senses resort
2019 Greek Communication Design Awards 1st prize Corporate Identity Ekies, all senses resort
2019 Greek Communication Design Awards 1st prize Menu Ekies, all senses resort
2019 Greek Communication Design Awards 1st prize Calendar Klimamichaniki
2019 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Book Aristotle Racing Team
2019 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Calendar Ocean Energy
2019 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Self Presentation Semiotik
2019 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Unpublished Work Phi
2018 Greek Communication Design Awards 1st prize Invitation/Flyer From the shadows of the Moulin Rouge into the light of Pireos Avenue
2018 Greek Communication Design Awards 1st prize Alcoholic Beverage Packaging Atma Island Wine
2018 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Corporate Identity Makt
2018 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Cultural Events Program Folklore and Ethnological Museum of Macedonia Thrace
2018 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit General Category Interpon Swatch Book
2018 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Logotype CERDAM
2017 NY International Olive Oil Competition Silver Award Neolea Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2017 Ermis Awards Bronze Miscellaneous Design ORC European Championship 2016
2017 Ermis Awards Shortlist Visual Communication Design Volvo Cars A New Beginning
2017 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Corporate Identity Dr. Thanasis Papas
2017 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Invitation/Flyer Local
2016 European Design Awards Bronze Miscellaneous Printed Volvo Excellence Award
2016 European Design Awards Bronze Packaging Domissima
2016 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Self-Promotion Website Semiotik Design Agency
2014 Greek Communication Design Awards 1st Prize Logotype Private Art Events
2013 NY International Olive Oil Competition Most Innovative Design Award Five Olive Oil
2013 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Invitation/Flyer Greek State Museum of Contemporary Art
2013 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Brochure Hellenic Society of Emergency Prehospital Care
2013 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Corporate Identity Reflect Lights
2012 Pentawards Gold Award Luxury, Gourmet Food Five Olive Oil
2012 Red Dot Design Awards Award Packaging Design Five Olive Oil
2012 Red Dot Design Awards Award Magazines and Daily Press +DESIGN
2012 Red Dot Design Awards Award Editorial and Corporate Publishing Designers United Work & Extensions
2012 Dieline Packaging Awards 1st place Winner Packaging Food & Beverage Five Olive Oil
2012 European Design Awards Silver Award Packaging Food & Beverage Five Olive Oil
2012 European Design Awards Bronze Artistic Catalogue Berliner Zimmer
2012 D&AD Awards In Book Award Graphic Design Designers United Work & Extensions Catalogue
2012 Greek Communication Design Awards 1st prize Self Published Work Designers United Work & Extensions
2012 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Artistic Catalogue Berliner Zimmer
2011 Greek Communication Design Awards Gold Prize Graphic Design KYANO Euromedica
2011 Greek Communication Design Awards 1st prize | Graphic design KYANO Euromedica
2011 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Corporate Identity Qualco
2010 European Design Awards Bronze Flyer Fenafresh
2010 Greek Communication Design Awards 1st Prize Logotype Mondays at the Foyer Thessaloniki Concert Hall Organisation
2010 Greek Communication Design Awards 1st Prize Cultural Event Program Mondays at the Foyer Thessaloniki Concert Hall Organisation
2010 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Invitation/Flyer Greek State Museum of Contemporary Art
2010 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Self Promotion Designers United
2010 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Self Promotional Website Designers United
2009 European Design Awards Bronze Packaging Papasotiriou Bookstores
2009 European Design Awards Bronze Illustration YMCA Camps
2008 European Design Awards Silver Corporate Visual Identity Application 1st Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art
2007 European Design Awards Bronze Magazine Design SOUL 2310
2007 Greek Communication Design Awards Grand EBGE Agency of the Year
2007 Greek Communication Design Awards 1st Prize Brochure Press Kit Cannes
2007 Greek Communication Design Awards 1st Prize Projects for Clients Abroad Athens Final Four Euroleague
2007 Greek Communication Design Awards 1st Prize Unpublished Project Athens Festival 2006
2007 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Magazine Design Provlita
2007 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Poster Fest of the Century
2007 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Multiple Applications 47th International Film Festival of Thessaloniki
2006 Greek Design Awards 1st Prize Invitation/Flyer/Wishing Card Pixels Fenafresh
2006 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Restaurant Menu Chimio Menu
2006 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Magazine Design Urbi
2006 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Corporate Websites and Multimedia Thessaloniki Center of Contemporary Art
2006 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Artistic Catalogue 64 Pages for Odysseus
2006 Greek Communication Design Awards 1st Prize Corporate Websites and Multimedia Video Dance 2005
2005 Greek Communication Design Awards 1st Prize Logotype Anti Breast Cancer
2005 Greek Communication Design Awards 1st Prize Multiple Applications Fenafresh
2005 Greek Communication Design Awards 1st Prize Restaurant Menu Chimio Menu
2005 Greek Communication Design Awards 1st Prize Magazine Design Cool
2005 Greek Communication Design Awards Merit Logotype Chimio Juice Bar
2025 Stencil In UseVictionary
2024 Sans In UseVictionary
2024 Beyond DesignSandu Publishing
2023 New UtilitarianVictionary
2023 Étapes n°270 (Diplômes d'écoles d'art et de design 2022)Etapes Eds
2022 Palette mini series No.9 NatureVictionary
2022 Lovers Magazine
2021 Design 360° Magazine n.93Sandu Publishing Co.
2020 NOVUM Magazine Vol.1.20Novum Graphics
2019 On the Road to Variable: The Flexible Future of TypographyVictionary
2018 P08: IRIDESCENT Holographics in designVictionary
2018 Slanted 30 AthensSlanted Publishers
2016 Min: The New Simplicity in Graphic DesignThames & Hudson
2014 Graphic DigitsVictionary
2014 Making a Splash Viction Workshop
2014 Type PlusUnit Editions
2014 Brand! VOL.5ooogo
2014 Top Graphic Design Series Vol.Hightone Book Publishing
2013 Packaging DesignBraun Publishing
2012 GeometrixSandu
2012 Golden Bee10 Moscow Global Biennale of Graphic Design
2012 LogotypeLaurence King
2012 Logo BookSylvie Estrada
2012 Geo/GraphicsViction:ary
2012 Los Logos 6Gestalten
2012 The Package Design Book 2Taschen
2012 International Yearbook Communication DesignRed Dot Edition
2012 European Design AwardsEuropean Ltd
2012 Gold & SilverViction Workshop
2011 Boxed and Labelled 2Gestalten
2011 SymbolLaurence King Publishing Ltd
2011 Fresh-Cutting Edge IllustrationsMagma Brand Design
2010 21st century: The Power of Design 1ooogo
2010 Thessaloniki Graphic Design 1980-2009Red Creative
2010 Los Logos CompassGestalten
2010 Fashion BrandingMonsa
2009 Boxed and LabelledGestalten
2008 Los Logos 4Gestalten
2007 Mapping EuropeExhibition Catalogue
2025 Stencil In Use Victionary
2024 Sans In Use Victionary
2024 Beyond Design Sandu Publishing
2023 New Utilitarian Victionary
2023 Étapes n°270 (Diplômes d'écoles d'art et de design 2022) Etapes Eds
2022 Palette mini series No.9 Nature Victionary
2022 Lovers Magazine
2021 Design 360° Magazine n.93 Sandu Publishing Co.
2020 NOVUM Magazine Vol.1.20 Novum Graphics
2019 On the Road to Variable: The Flexible Future of Typography Victionary
2018 P08: IRIDESCENT Holographics in design Victionary
2018 Slanted 30 Athens Slanted Publishers
2016 Min: The New Simplicity in Graphic Design Thames & Hudson
2014 Graphic Digits Victionary
2014 Making a Splash Viction Workshop
2014 Type Plus Unit Editions
2014 Brand! VOL.5 ooogo
2014 Top Graphic Design Series Vol. Hightone Book Publishing
2013 Packaging Design Braun Publishing
2012 Geometrix Sandu
2012 Golden Bee 10 Moscow Global Biennale of Graphic Design
2012 Logotype Laurence King
2012 Logo Book Sylvie Estrada
2012 Geo/Graphics Viction:ary
2012 Los Logos 6 Gestalten
2012 The Package Design Book 2 Taschen
2012 International Yearbook Communication Design Red Dot Edition
2012 European Design Awards European Ltd
2012 Gold & Silver Viction Workshop
2011 Boxed and Labelled 2 Gestalten
2011 Symbol Laurence King Publishing Ltd
2011 Fresh-Cutting Edge Illustrations Magma Brand Design
2010 21st century: The Power of Design 1 ooogo
2010 Thessaloniki Graphic Design 1980-2009 Red Creative
2010 Los Logos Compass Gestalten
2010 Fashion Branding Monsa
2009 Boxed and Labelled Gestalten
2008 Los Logos 4 Gestalten
2007 Mapping Europe Exhibition Catalogue
2023 Sideline RemoteBirmingham Institute of Creative Arts
2022 The Design ProcessOpen University of GreeceAthens, Greece
2019 IFES World SummitAthens, Greece
2019 Anatolia, American College of ThessalonikiThessaloniki, Greece
2018 Goethe Institut, Content forms functionThessaloniki, Greece
2018 Akzonobel, Interpon – A coated future,today. Athens, Greece
2017 Bilgi UniversityIstanbul, Turkey
2017 Design ToolkitThessaloniki, Greece
2017 Design AthensAthens, Greece
2015 éso Interior Design ConferenceAthens, Greece
2013 Behance Portfolio ReviewsThessaloniki, Greece
2013 Open CoffeeThessaloniki, Greece
2013 International Hellenic University Thessaloniki, Greece
2013 Design Month Papasotiriou BookstoresAthens, Greece
2013 Creativity and Design: Fast–ForwardThessaloniki, Greece
2013 Belgrade Design Week Conference Belgrade, Serbia
2011 Design PanoramaAthens, Greece
2010 The Power of Creativity, Goethe InsitutThessaloniki, Greece
2010 Ministry of CultureThessaloniki, Greece
2010 Architecture Department, University of ThessalyVolos, Greece
2008 European Design Awards ConferenceStockholm, Sweden
2007 Design PanoramaAthens, Greece
2006 Design PanoramaAthens, Greece
2005 Design Panorama
2023 Sideline Remote Birmingham Institute of Creative Arts
2022 The Design Process Open University of Greece Athens, Greece
2019 IFES World Summit Athens, Greece
2019 Anatolia, American College of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki, Greece
2018 Goethe Institut, Content forms function Thessaloniki, Greece
2018 Akzonobel, Interpon – A coated future,today. Athens, Greece
2017 Bilgi University Istanbul, Turkey
2017 Design Toolkit Thessaloniki, Greece
2017 Design Athens Athens, Greece
2015 éso Interior Design Conference Athens, Greece
2013 Behance Portfolio Reviews Thessaloniki, Greece
2013 Open Coffee Thessaloniki, Greece
2013 International Hellenic University Thessaloniki, Greece
2013 Design Month Papasotiriou Bookstores Athens, Greece
2013 Creativity and Design: Fast–Forward Thessaloniki, Greece
2013 Belgrade Design Week Conference Belgrade, Serbia
2011 Design Panorama Athens, Greece
2010 The Power of Creativity, Goethe Insitut Thessaloniki, Greece
2010 Ministry of Culture Thessaloniki, Greece
2010 Architecture Department, University of Thessaly Volos, Greece
2008 European Design Awards Conference Stockholm, Sweden
2007 Design Panorama Athens, Greece
2006 Design Panorama Athens, Greece
2005 Design Panorama
2023 Red Dot Design Museum permanent exhibitionRed Dot Design MuseumSingapore
2018 ContentsYpsilonThessaloniki, Greece
2017 From the shadows of the Moulin Rouge into the light of Pireos AvenuePiraeus Bank Group Cultural FoundationAthens, Greece
2017 From the shadows of the Moulin Rouge into the light of Pireos AvenueBenaki MuseumAthens, Greece
2012 Dynamic CityState Museum of Contemporary ArtThessaloniki, Greece
2011 Work and extensions of Designers United Macedonian Museum of Contemporary ArtThessaloniki, Greece
2010 Design GreeceCyprus International FairNicosia, Cyprus
2008 Athens Voice CoversBenaki Museum PireosAthens, Greece
2007 Mapping EuropePoster Exhibition on Limits, Borders and Graphic DesignAthens, Greece
2005 I See: Half a Century of Greek Graphic DesignersBenaki Museum PireosAthens, Greece
2023 Red Dot Design Museum permanent exhibition Red Dot Design Museum Singapore
2018 Contents Ypsilon Thessaloniki, Greece
2017 From the shadows of the Moulin Rouge into the light of Pireos Avenue Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation Athens, Greece
2017 From the shadows of the Moulin Rouge into the light of Pireos Avenue Benaki Museum Athens, Greece
2012 Dynamic City State Museum of Contemporary Art Thessaloniki, Greece
2011 Work and extensions of Designers United Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art Thessaloniki, Greece
2010 Design Greece Cyprus International Fair Nicosia, Cyprus
2008 Athens Voice Covers Benaki Museum Pireos Athens, Greece
2007 Mapping Europe Poster Exhibition on Limits, Borders and Graphic Design Athens, Greece
2005 I See: Half a Century of Greek Graphic Designers Benaki Museum Pireos Athens, Greece
A recordof great collaborations
Volvo Ocean Race
Volvo Cars Corporation
Volvo Car Hellas
Euroleague Basketball
Adidas Hellas
Greek Ministry of Culture
Hellenic Basketball Clubs Association
OTE Group
Intrakat Constructions
City of Thessaloniki
Museum of Cycladic Art
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
State Museum of Contemporary Art
Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art
Teloglion Foundation
Thessaloniki Center of Contemporary Art
Thessaloniki Concert Hall
Thessaloniki Film Festival
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
Costopoulos Foundation
European Design Awards
Institut Francais Thessaloniki
Ekies, all senses resort
Domes of Elounda
Domes Noruz